Misinformation. I blame the internet. Okay I can’t really say its entirely the internet’s fault that these things happen. But, the wide spread of misinformation is definitely facilitated by the Internet, and particularly by it’s ill-behaved progeny, social media.
Haircut versus a trim. Hairstylists are a particular group, I’ll admit, we can be fussy. (I take full responsibility stating that I get real… let’s go with “uppity” in regards to hair content) But all of the hairstylists had a meeting and we all agreed the misnomer of “trim” is top on the list of pet peeves.
Okay…..That’s a lie, you can’t get all of us in one place, even if some of us get together it causes a ruckus in any city. Not going to lie, the last hair show I went to I ended up trending in an Icelandic newspaper.
Let’s ignore my hyperbole..
To better explain the difference between these, I want you to imagine a high end, overly booked, tapas restaurant. The ambiance offers a unique experience, the wine makes everything seem and taste better, the company you’re with is enjoyable and you’ve looked forward to this time together, and when you close your tab or ask for you bill, no one says “but the plates and portions were smaller, and I didn’t eat all of it, so I shouldn’t pay as much”
Regardless of the time, size, or full consumption of your food, what you are paying for is that the chef is/has:
cooking it for you, a skill you can’t execute like them, that’s why you came to said restaurant
trained extensively to be able to cook, having travel all over to learn the skill from masters, and paid for that training either monetarily or with time, to offer you an improved result
the environment where you, the patron, can enjoy yourself and the work/passion for the craft is encouraged and supported by the owner and fellow team members
I think you can see where I’m going, haircutting isn’t about what you take off, its about the skill to execute the cut. Taking 3 millimeters (I really wish we used metric) off of each section is the same amount of work as taking off 4” of each section. (Its 101mm or 10cm, in case you were wondering, which you probably were not, that’s cool, don’t mind me) Haircutting requires an understanding of the head shape, face shape, direction of the hair and its growth patterns, how much length to remove to ensure the correct result, and understanding our guest’s lifestyle and skill level, all combined into something that is both suitable and functional to each individual. (And for anyone who hated math, its all geometry)
Timing is less of a factor the more skilled a person becomes. So whether it takes your stylists 2 hours or 30 minutes, its more about the complexity, your specific density/ personalization, and the skill acquired over time through extensive training, all being accounted for to create pricing. So whether the chef makes a small plate of macaroni or a large bowl, you’re paying for the skill to make it and the fact that they cooked.
TLDR: A trim is a haircut.